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  • Сhairman of the Committee Anar Guliyev held another citizen reception in Neftchala
Сhairman of the Committee Anar Guliyev held another citizen reception in Neftchala
Сhairman of the Committee Anar Guliyev held another citizen reception in Neftchala

Before the meeting, the monument of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev was visited, and flowers were laid in front of it to honor his memory with respect and reverence.


On July 11, 2024, during the reception of residents from the Shirvan, Hajigabul, Neftchala and Salyan districts, questions related to the construction permit procedure and land relations were answered, the issues raised were resolved, the requirements of the urban planning legislation and the advantages of the e-system created by the Committee were informed.



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