The new Master Plan of Dalimammadli city is approved
In accordance with the instruction of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, within the framework of the reforms in the field of urban planning carried out in our country in recent years, as well as projects for integrated planning and organization of systemic activities, the process of developing master plans, which form the basis for the further development of our cities, is successfully continuing.
Thus, the relevant resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers approved another such territorial planning document, prepared by order of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture – the Master Plan of Dalimammadli city of Geranboy district for the period up to 2040.
In 1991, the settlement of Dalimammadli received the status of a city. The first Dalimammadli master plan was developed in 1981. The new approved document is the 2nd Master Plan of the city.
The total area of the city is 411.5 hectares, and the population is 5.6 thousand.
The new master plan was developed taking into account the general architectural and planning structure of the city, the stages of its historical development, climatic and relief features of the territory, transport and engineering communication systems.
Dalimammadli has a strategic geographical location – the city is located on the routes along which the East-West road (Silk Road), the transport and communication infrastructure Europe-Caucasus-Asia, as well as the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line passes. The symbol of the city's history as an important logistics center is the railway station, built in 1883 and operating to this day.
The main goal of the new Master Plan is to ensure the further development of the settlement formed over the centuries in accordance with modern urban planning standards.
It is predicted that by 2040 the city's population will increase by 28% and reach 7.2 thousand people. In accordance with the population growth rate, the Master Plan provides for the expansion of the total area of the housing stock from 78.3 thousand m2 to 108 thousand m2.
The main planning axis and the business center of the city were formed mainly along T.Akbar Street and the Baku-Boyuk Kesik railway line. In order to revitalize this planning axis and ensure its compliance with the requirements of modern urban planning, the Master Plan provides for the construction of residential complexes along the street consisting of new low-rise and medium-rise buildings on the territory of physically and morally worn 1-2-storey residential buildings and small retail and catering facilities.
The Master Plan also proposes for the first time to erect buildings above 5 floors in the city of Dalimammadli, which makes it possible to create an expressive silhouette of the overall composition of the city by designing representative public and residential buildings in the corresponding quarters.
The new Master Plan provides for the development of a unified transport infrastructure, an increase in the length of roads to ensure the dynamics of the daily life of the city. In the near future, the road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure will allow residents of the city of Dalimammadli to move comfortably, quickly and safely between various functional zones. According to the Master Plan, the transport and street-road network in the city are consolidated into a single system and by 2040 the street-road network should be increased to 36.3 km, and the main streets and roads to 14.4 km.
In the Master Plan covering the next period of development of Dalimammadli city, special attention is paid to employment issues. Thus, in the public and business district of the city, with a total area of 17.2 hectares, it is planned to build trade facilities, catering and other service enterprises. At the same time, taking into account the possibility of a positive impact of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line on the socio-economic potential of Dalimammadli, it is planned to design enterprises with increased production capacities or build new ones in the industrial zone that will be developed to the east of the city.
In general, location of the city in a strategic zone, updated urban infrastructure and production potential make it possible to increase its business attractiveness and gradually turn into a logistics and agricultural center of regional importance.
In the master plans of our country for the 20-year perspective, as a rule, one of the priorities is formation of an ecologically healthy living environment, creation of comfortable conditions for effective leisure of population. To this end, in order to meet the needs of residents of Dalimammadli city for recreation, the Master Plan provides for a system of continuous public green spaces covering the entire city. By connecting separate parks and squares located in different parts of the city, this system of green spaces will improve the environmental and sanitary conditions of the city and have a positive impact on health of the population.
With introduction of important changes in this direction in the Dalimammadli city plan, it is assumed that by 2040 the area of parks and public green spaces will increase 11 times and reach 13.92 hectares. In particular, the Master Plan allocated an area of 6.48 hectares for construction of outdoor sports grounds. It is also planned to build bicycle paths to make the city convenient for pedestrians and increase mobility of the population.
At the same time, the area of sports centers in the city is planned to double to 1077 m2.
A city with a growing population will naturally need to increase the number of educational places. To this end, by 2040 it is planned to increase the number of places in preschool educational institutions to 380, and in general education institutions to 1080.