The first book on new theoretical principles of iron-concrete elements calculation was published in Azerbaijan language
A book titled “New theoretical principles of calculation of iron-concrete elements” was published by Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute for Construction and Architecture acting under State Committee of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This book was formed upon the results of scientific-research works conducted on improvement o calculation methodology for iron and iron-concrete construction and offering suggestions on their application in the course of projecting at the Institute by the order given by Committee in 2019-2020. This publication is the first technical literature in Azerbaijan language, which construes new principles of iron-concrete theory and describing the ways for formation of methods on calculation of iron-concrete constructions.
The authors of the book are Khanlar Seyfullayev, professor, PhD in technical sciences and Abdi Garayev, PhD in technical sciences, scientific editor is Yaman Eminov, PhD in technical sciences. The explanation of the methodology of inclusion of concrete and strength of fittings and deformation characteristics to calculation upon iron-concrete elements cases, as well as explanation of offered case forms with new approaches have been given in the said book published upon the order of Scientific Council of the Institute. Moreover, recommendation on application of new methodology of iron-concrete elements in the course of projecting have been construed therein. Note that, engineer-constructors, projectors, students and scientific workers may apply to the Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute for Construction and Architecture in order to get this book. The book is offered free. As a result of research works conducted by Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute for Construction and Architecture, it is planned to publish other scientific books, as well.