The elections to the Public Union under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture were over
On September 11, 2021, there were held elections by secret ballot to the Public Council under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture. 11 out of 18 candidates nominated by the civil society organizations were elected with majority of votes. Thus, the Public Council under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture was formed in the following composition:
1. Abdullayev Huseyn Natig oglu (“Azerbaijan Volunteers” PU);
2. Bayramov Togrul Shahin oglu (“Ulduz Education on Information and Communication Technologies” PU);
3. Eyvazov Valeh Askerkhan oglu (Center for Problems of Democracy Development PU);
4. Imamaliyev Nariman Majid oglu (Success Education of Youth)
5. Gasimzade Elbay Anvar oglu (Union of Architects of Azerbaijan);
6. Guliyev Faig Gubat oglu (PU for Assistance in Solving Socio-Economic Problems of Mine Victims);
7. Mammadova Gulchohra Huseyn gizi (Human Rights and Enlightenment PU);
8. Novruzova Rena Mammad gizi (World Mother and Children PU);
9. Novruzzade Sheyda Natig gizi (Azerbaijan Association of Accountants and Risk Professionals PU);
10. Valiyev Anar Mahammad oglu (Lira Young Talents PU);
11. Shirinov Elchin Vagif oglu (“Young Architects” Civic Initiative Group).
The Public Council under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established with the purpose to ensure the participation of civil society institutions in the adoption of legal acts on the activities of the Committee, the organization of public control in relevant activity field.