The system of electronic permits for construction and exploitation of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture was presented to entrepreneurs online
The functionality of "One-stop-shop" system was visually demonstrated to the representatives of construction companies.
The State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture organized another awareness-raising seminar on reforms in the field of issuing permits for construction and exploitation of facilities and the "One-stop-shop" electronic system, the questions, and suggestions of entrepreneurs on urban planning processes were discussed in detail. Organized by the Committee, the Center for Economic Reform Analysis and Communication and the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMBDA) in a webinar format, the meeting was attended by about 40 companies and individual entrepreneurs operating in the construction sector.
It was noted that due to the large-scale urban planning processes implemented in the country in recent years and the ongoing radical reforms in this area under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the living conditions of the population are improving and entrepreneurship is developing. Launched by the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture under the task of the President, the ""One-stop-shop"" electronic system has significantly simplified the procedure for obtaining permits for construction and exploitation of construction sites, increasing the efficiency of construction work, ensuring transparency. Thus, thanks to the electronic system, the number of procedures decreased from 18 to 7, and the number of required days from 116 to 38. At the same time, thanks to this opportunity, any person intending to build can apply online to the ""One-stop-shop" system without leaving the site and can obtain permits online for the construction of various parameters of construction and warehouse buildings, as well as construction facilities that require expertise. Within the framework of the webinar, which was attended by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health, Azerishig OJSC and Azersu OJSC, each functional unit of ""One-stop-shop" system was visually demonstrated, all stages of the test application, including the electronic download of the construction project to the portal, the online collection of opinions of relevant government agencies and, as a result, the issuance of an electronic permit, were presented through the cabinet. Currently, the Committee is working to add new services to further improve the system, one of which is a new "notification proceedings" module created within the system. This service was initially launched in Baku as a pilot project and is planned to be implemented throughout the country in a short time.
At the end, the proposals of the representatives of construction companies were heard and registered, opinions were exchanged on expanding the capabilities of the system, and questions were answered.