The meeting of the working group on "Issuance of construction permits" dedicated to the results of 2021 was held
On December 15, an online meeting of the working group on "Issuance of construction permits" of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings of the Republic of Azerbaijan dedicated to the results of 2021 was held.
During the meeting, the participants were informed about the current situation with the introduction and expansion of the "One-stop-shop" electronic system in the country, exchanged views on the work being done to improve the portal and future goals. In the meeting, which was also attended by relevant government agencies involved in the construction process, the activities of the agencies involved in appeals on construction proceedings for 11 months of this year were analyzed and the implementation status of the working group's Action Plan for 2021 were discussed.
Along with that, the information was provided on legislative proposals prepared on the instructions of the Chairman of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings to study the status of compliance with the requirements of Article 82 of the Urban Planning and Construction Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The final assessment of the Action Plan for the current year and discussion of the draft Action Plan for 2022 were also organized at the meeting.
It was decided to hold an extraordinary meeting of the working group next week to discuss the draft legislative proposals in detail.
Noteworthy, that the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings was established by the relevant Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated 13.07.2016. The purpose of establishing the commission is to create a business environment that will ensure optimal profitability of entrepreneurial activity and be based on the principles of competition, as well as increase the country's investment attractiveness. The main tasks of the commission are to improve the business environment and Azerbaijan's position in international rankings, to involve local and foreign experts in the implementation of programs and projects to be developed in this direction, to coordinate the activities of government agencies and institutions in this field. The Commission established 19 working groups to carry out the set duties. The State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture chairs the working group on “Issuance of construction permits.”