The Master Plan of the Lachyn city was presented to President Ilham Aliyev
On May 28, the Master Plan of the city of Lachyn was presented to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Chairman of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan Anar Guliyev informed President Ilham Aliyev about the measures provided for in the Master Plan and the work done in accordance with the plan.
It was noted that the Master Plan was developed by the Baku State Design Institute by order of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture with the participation of the Swiss company SA Partners – a consulting firm for urban design and territorial planning.
Dunja Kovari-Binggeli, co-founder and partner of the company, stated that the unique charming nature and colorful landscape of Lachyn will contribute to the development of the city as a tourist destination, turning it into a bright and attractive regional center with opportunities for outdoor recreation, sports activities and healthy lifestyle. Located near the international airport, at the intersection of a number of highways of international and national significance, the city will have diverse directions of development, serving as a gateway to the region. The territory is zoned taking into account the main goal – the preservation and restoration of the existing planning structure of the city of Lachyn, including the development of new residential areas. It is predicted that over the next 20 years the territory of the city will expand and reach 713 hectares, and the population – 18 thousand.
It was noted that the conceptual basis of the Master Plan is the "City in harmony with nature" approach. This includes the formation of the features of the center of urbanization, ensuring economic diversification, protection of ecologically vulnerable territories, the use of green energy sources and modern technologies of technical infrastructure, as well as increasing the accessibility of urban services for pedestrians. According to the plan, the city of Lachyn will turn into a sustainable and innovative center, distinguished by "smart management", modern advanced educational and inclusive mobility solutions.
It was noted that in the draft Master Plan preference is given to private houses with a courtyard on the historically existing territory of the city with an area of about 258 hectares, surrounded by natural greenery. Along with this, it is proposed to build apartment buildings in multifunctional zones and other residential areas. A hospital, a Memorial park will also be created in the city, which will house Museums of Occupation and Victory, preschool and secondary educational institutions, a vocational school, as well as cultural and tourism facilities. The principle of a "15-minute city" introduced during the planning will ensure convenient movement of residents and guests within the city, providing for the proximity of residential quarters, objects of daily demand and the organization of low-speed road infrastructure.
The organization of employment of the population is based on the historical traditions of the region. So, in the near future, it is planned to develop environmentally friendly and efficient agriculture, construction, light and food industries, fishing, nursery and other areas of social services.
Recall that in accordance with the geographical location and structure of the region, architectural projects based on local traditions and modern approaches will be implemented, which will be used to form a unique image of the city of Lachyn.
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