The Chairman of the Committee met with Mayor of Riyadh, Head of the Delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 06.11.2024
Azərbaycan WUF12-də münaqişədən sonrakı bərpa və şəhərsalma innovasiyaları sahəsində təcrübəsini bölüşüb 06.11.2024
The Chairman of the Committee, Anar Guliyev, participated in the official meeting with President of Egypt, His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and official representatives at WUF12 06.11.2024
The Chairman of the Committee met with the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities of the Arab Republic of Egypt 04.11.2024
Chairman of the Committee Anar Guliyev met with residents from the districts of Aghdam, Aghjabadi, Barda, Terter, and Lachin in the city of Barda 11.10.2024