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International cooperation

Top priorities of the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan include research and analysis of international experience, modern global trends in urban planning, efficient use of land, urban planning, architecture, construction permits and other areas, partnerships with relevant international organizations and investors. The Committee established cooperation with a number of countries that have extensive experience in the mentioned areas, such as Germany, France, Latvia, Turkey, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and Korea to share experience and study their advanced achievements. The State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture also pays special attention to cooperation with international and regional organizations, as well as financial institutions for the study and implementation of modern standards in the relevant fields and for the sake of a more effective organization of its activities. The Committee is actively represented in various programs of the Intergovernmental Council for cooperation in construction activities of the CIS Member States, the United Nations Human Settlements Program, various programs of the World Bank, European Union, Council of Europe and other institutions.

At present, Baku city master plan, which preparation draws on the international experience and involves leading foreign companies, is on top of the agenda. This important document, drafted by the Committee, will play an exceptional role in fostering our capital's future development. Therefore, the consulting companies with advanced international experience were invited for the project development including the US company Boston Consulting Group as the consulting partner, the German urban planning and architecture company AS + P, the leading British consulting firms Ernst and Young and Ramboll. Note that today the staff of the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture realizes the importance of application of the best international practices and follows international innovations to build successful work in future.

News about international cooperation