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  • The State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture discusses the initial draft of the General...
The State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture discusses the initial draft of the General Plan of Baku in the relevant departments
The State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture discusses the initial draft of the General Plan of Baku in the relevant departments

According to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the initial draft of the General Plan of Baku, which is being prepared, was presented on the website of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture in the format of a virtual exhibition for public review and relevant feedback. At the same time, as part of the process of improving the document, the Committee will present the initial draft to the relevant organizations and specialized circles for discussion.
Thus, a meeting was held on October 15 at the Baku Transport Agency.

In accordance with the General Plan, the goals of developing a new transport system and road network for 2020-2040 were presented at the meeting, in order to ensure the mobility of Baku residents, the parties exchanged views on the proposed transit nodes, road network, engineering and communication systems, diversified transport system, opinions and suggestions were heard. It was noted that in order to achieve these goals, the General Plan envisages the improvement and development of the road network, the construction of a network of bicycle lanes, the expansion of special bus lanes system and the creation of new transit hubs, metro and rail transport.
It should be noted that the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture plans to hold similar presentations and discussions with other relevant agencies as part of the preparation of the final draft of the capital's General plan.


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