Development of the Ganja Master Plan has started
By the instruction of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture continues developing master plans to ensure the planned and systematic development of the country's cities.
The Committee started the development of the Master Plan of Ganja, which is the second-largest city after the capital in 2020. The project will be implemented by the French company “Vasconi Architects by Thomas Schinko” attracted through an international tender and Azerdovlatlayiha General State Design Institute. This week, upon completion of preparing the team and preliminary analysis of some city data, the Committee held the first large-scale discussions with project managers and experts.
During the meeting, the consortium members have delivered their initial approach to the development of the city’s road transport infrastructure, utility system, and public spaces, as well as environmental issues and the ecological situation. At the same time, a detailed exchange of views was held regarding the project implementation schedule, as well as current issues, future image, and development goals of Ganja.
According to the agreement concluded, the Master Plan development makes provision for the staged project implementation within 30 months. At the initial stage, a concept should be developed for the development of Ganja according to international best practices.
Herewith, the Committee has arranged visiting Ganja by local and international experts involved in the Master Plan development. In the course of the visit, meetings with the head of the Ganja executive power and representatives of relevant government agencies involved in the city development, as well as preliminary discussions on this topic and on-site inspections of urban infrastructure have been held.
The State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture continues its comprehensive activity on the development of master plans, which are the main urban planning documents of strategic significance for the systematic and sustainable development of Baku, Ganja, and many other cities of the country. To ensure timely and highly professional work in this direction, the Committee will mobilize all resources and make every effort to arrange the process according to the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the highest international standards.