Information on the organization of the activity of the Karabakh Regional Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 12.08.2021 “On issues of urban planning in the liberated territories”, the Karabakh Regional Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning was established under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Currently, the work is underway to resolve the issues of formation of the structure of the Main Department, planning of its workforce, necessary provision issues regarding organization of its activities. The main sections of the structure are expected to consist of other supply units to implement urban planning and architecture in the Karabakh and East Zangazur economic regions, to carry out state urban planning control, to issue construction and operation permits, as well as to support the Department's activities.
The status of the Head Office is equal to the status of state agencies and public services under the central executive authorities and is a part of the Committee. In this regard, recruitment for civil service positions in the Main Department will be carried out on the basis of a competition organized by the State Examination Center in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service".
For more information, please contact office@arxkom.gov.az or (+994 12) 595 13 50 and 493 34 67 (ext. 137 and 144).