The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev laid foundation of Memorial Complex and restoration of city 05.10.2021
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev laid foundation stone for secondary school named after academician Mehdi Mehdizade in Jabrayil 05.10.2021
Groundbreaking ceremony for first multi-apartment residential settlement in Jabrayil was held 05.10.2021
The Public Council under the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture started to function 29.09.2021
The online meeting of the Working Group of the Interdepartmental Center on Urbanization Issues was held 15.09.2021
Information on the organization of the activity of the Karabakh Regional Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning 14.09.2021
The elections to the Public Union under the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture were over 13.09.2021