Online meeting held on reforms in the field of construction and operation permits and construction design
The advantages of the electronic system of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture for issuing construction and operation permits were demonstrated at the next online webinar for design organizations. The webinar, organized by the Committee in cooperation with the Center for Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, provides participants with detailed information on the recent reforms and new opportunities, and the benefits of the “Single Window” electronic system, which simplifies the permitting procedure.
At the same time, the project companies participating in the meeting had extensive discussions on urban planning issues, including the shortcomings of previous years in the preparation of urban planning and construction projects, the results of the analysis carried out by the Committee to improve the quality of projects and the work ahead.
In order to ensure the implementation of the relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 28.12.2018, the portal created by the Committee and launched at the beginning of 2019 (www.birpencere.arxkom.gov.az) first of all allows obtaining permits for the construction and operation of construction projects of various parameters, warehouse buildings, which do not require the expertise provided for in Article 89 of the Urban Planning and Construction Code, today the functionality of the system is even more expanded. Currently, users can use the electronic “Single Window” system and obtain permit to operate a construction project that already requires expertise.
As a result of simplification of procedures, it is now possible to obtain a permit for the construction of construction projects and warehouse buildings of various parameters, which do not require an examination within 15 days, and a permit for operation within 10 days. Both permits are free of charge for construction projects that do not require expertise.
In addition to the organizers, the webinar was attended by employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health, Azerishig OJSC and Azersu OJSC, within the framework of which the participants were gradually introduced to the functionality of the “Single Window” system and the authorization procedure. It was noted that the Committee is currently working on adding new services to improve the system, and by the end of the year it will be possible to obtain construction permits for all types of facilities through the “Single Window” portal.
At the same time, given that any urban planning process begins with design, the responsibility of design organizations at the preparatory stage preceding the building permit process was emphasized. Compliance with all the requirements of territorial planning and urban planning legislation depends primarily on the design organizations. From this point of view, among the main factors that directly affect the quality of urban planning, along with the work of state control bodies, the activities of design organizations, to which construction customers first of all turn, and the quality of projects were noted.
During the meeting, the results of regular analysis carried out by the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture in the direction of systematic errors in construction projects presented as part of the construction permit procedure and the possibilities for improving the quality of projects were presented, and appropriate recommendations were given to design organizations. The webinar also listened to and registered the proposals of representatives of design organizations, provided answers to questions related to the preparation of projects in electronic format in accordance with the requirements of the "Single Window" system.